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The role and benefits of black pepper sauce

2017-10-31 13:49

The role and benefits of black pepper sauce
Black pepper
Black pepper (Piper nigrum), known as Piper nigrum, is a peppercorns of a flowering vines, also known as Kurokawa, native to the Malabar Coast (Malabar Coast). Its fruity spicy, is one of the earliest use of spices, may be now using the most extensive spices.
The same fruit is white pepper, red pepper and green pepper production of raw materials. Black peppers are native to South India and are widely cultivated in the local and other tropical regions. Black pepper fruit will be black and red when ripe, and contains a seed; fruit in the sun will become a diameter of 5 mm pepper after the fruit.
Black pepper sauce effect and role:
1, black pepper sauce is the main component of piperine, also contains a certain amount of aromatic oil, crude protein, crude fat and soluble nitrogen, can Quyu, solution greasy, help digestion;
2, the smell of black pepper sauce can increase appetite;
3, black pepper sauce warm, the stomach caused by cold stomach cold pain, bowel diarrhea has a good mitigation effect, and the treatment of cold cold;
4, black pepper sauce has the role of anti-corrosion antibacterial, soluble fish and shrimp botulinum;
5, black pepper spicy than white pepper strong, fragrant with spicy, quench taste, more for the preparation of internal organs, seafood dishes


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Shandong Longze Machinery Co., Ltd. is a scientific research, production, sales service in one of the enterprises. Located in the famous dinosaur town - Zhucheng, the company over the years committed to the development trend of the food industry, the traditional hand-workshop processing reform for the automation, standardization of production. Through automation design and manufacturing for enterprises to save manpower, improve production rate, reduce production costs. Service customers include baking fillings fried industry, meat products cooked food processing industry, condiment industry, candy industry, vegetable corn processing industry, hotel supplies and fast food and other food processing industry, providing heating and cooking frying, vacuum concentration, sterilization Disinfection and other series of equipment.

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