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What are the benefits of eating nuts snacks?

2017-08-11 14:45

8 Health Benefits of Nuts
1. Nuts Are a Great Source of Many Nutrients
2. Nuts Are Loaded With Antioxidants
3. Nuts Can Help You Lose Weight
4. Nuts Can Lower Cholesterol and Triglycerides
5. Nuts Are Beneficial for Type 2 Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome
6. Nuts Can Help Reduce Inflammation
7. Nuts Are High in Fiber
8. Nuts Can Reduce Your Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke
Nuts are a very popular food.
They're tasty, convenient and can be enjoyed on all kinds of diets.
Here is some of the most commonly consumed nuts:
Almonds,Brazil nuts,Cashews,Hazelnuts,Macadamia nuts,Pecans,Pine nuts,Pistachios,Walnuts
What should you notice when eating nuts
As notorious as nuts are for being healthy, they also have a well-deserved rap for being ridiculously addictive, and most of us don't stick to the recommended daily serving size, or just one measly handful of nuts. What that looks like in real time is pretty small, or about 24 almonds, 18 cashews, 15 pecan halves, 14 walnut halves, or 8 Brazil nuts. (Snack AND lose weight with a box of Prevention-approved treats from Bestowed.)
The problem with addictively eating nuts is that there are some real health risks. Here are the three worst ways nuts can negatively affect your health when you eat too many. 
1. You gain weight—quickly.
2. You have digestive issues.
3. Your hair falls out, your nails get brittle, your breath stinks, and your muscles and joints might begin to ache. 

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Shandong Longze Machinery Co., Ltd. is a scientific research, production, sales service in one of the enterprises. Located in the famous dinosaur town - Zhucheng, the company over the years committed to the development trend of the food industry, the traditional hand-workshop processing reform for the automation, standardization of production. Through automation design and manufacturing for enterprises to save manpower, improve production rate, reduce production costs. Service customers include baking fillings fried industry, meat products cooked food processing industry, condiment industry, candy industry, vegetable corn processing industry, hotel supplies and fast food and other food processing industry, providing heating and cooking frying, vacuum concentration, sterilization Disinfection and other series of equipment.

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